Clubs with heart membership

The Clubs with Heart Membership is a 2-year commitment to strategic and sustained cultural change or improvement, and is available to both Junior and Senior clubs. 

Working in partnership with SALT, the club will embark on a process that incorporates all elements of the SALT model, challenging it to find and communicate its unique identity, harness the power of its history and people and commit to sustained competitive greatness on and off the field. 

Membership Outcomes

  • Completion of the 6 ‘Clubs with Heart’ webinars. 
  • Access to 3 education sessions per annum. 
  • Completion of The SALT Club Health check 
  • Establishment and Development of a Club Wellbeing Team.
  • Access to a suite of Clubs with Heart surveys.
  • Strategic mentorship, development and communication of vision and strategy. 
  • SALT Locker Room Access 
  • Inclusion in all social media and marketing campaigns 
  • Ongoing measurement and reporting of progress.  

Membership Pricing

Club memberships = $5,000

Each club per year. Highly engaging 2-year process of re-imagining, re-aligning and re-energising your club, guided, and mentored by your personal SALT 'Clubs with Heart' Facilitator.

Club wellbeing team (package) $2,000 per club 4 sessions

Includes: Wellbeing / mental health F2F plus 3 sessions (online) training your club's Wellbeing team. Set your club up for sustained outcomes by developing the structures and training your selected team to be the eyes, the ears and the heartbeat of care and communication within your club.

Grandstand memberships = $1,000

Support SALT as an individual, making a personal donation to SALT (which is tax deductible) that directly impacts on grassroots sporting clubs and individuals that require your financial support.

Clubs With Heart Development Process (Senior Club) - year 1

Session 1

Meet with Committee to listen, explain and agree on outcomes for the program  

This session can be done face to face or online. It is preceded with the SALT Club Health Check Survey which provides the evaluation platform to measure progress over 2 years. We discuss what the club is aiming to achieve over the next 2 years and plan a schedule of course delivery. This is the beginning of the process of getting committee, coaches, staff, sponsors, and players all on the same page when it comes to the club’s values and standards.

The club will appoint a SALT Coordinator who is either on the committee or reports to the committee about the progress of the program.

Session 2

Clubs with Heart Course – in Club Session 1  

The Clubs with Heart course establishes the greater purpose of the sporting club. It gives participants an awareness of the massive impact sports clubs can have on the future life quality of players. Key questions are discussed around ‘What kind of club do you want to be?’ ‘What reputation do you want?’ ‘What influence will you have on the kids coming through?’ ‘What legacy do you want to leave?’ The Clubs with Heart model looks at the need to have 2 lanes of ambition. The first being drive, courage, pursuit of excellence but in equal focus with care, respect, connection, and empathy. We dissect the SALT Model that looks to create a new ERA in clubs through Education, Responsibility and Accountability. We look at examples of great clubs from around the world and demonstrate that clubs with strong, values driven off-field culture achieve the greatest on-field success as a by-product.

Session 3

Clubs with Heart 6 sessions online for Club Leaders 

Clubs who participate in this 6-webinar series and then go on to apply the knowledge, build the structures, equip the members, and promote the messaging will set themselves up for sustained success on and off the field. More importantly they will provide a much-needed place of connection and support for their local community and an environment of acceptance that reflects a modern diverse community.

Over the 6-webinar series selected leaders will learn to:

  • Create the story of who you want to be and how you want to be regarded by the community
  • Identify and address the barriers to success that may currently exist
  • Build the structures you need to share the load and spread the important messaging
  • Build the leaders you need across every level
  • Build the behaviours that will testify about who you are and what you stand for
  • Hear from other experts in their fields
  • Share the best of knowledge with a wide range of other clubs from a variety of sporting codes
  • Build competitive greatness on the field / court / pool
Session 4

Wellbeing and Mental Health Course  

The Mental Health and Wellbeing course gives participants an understanding of common mental health issues such as anxiety and depression and provides them with positive mental health habits for life. It educates participants in how to have real conversations and aims to reduce the stigma that is associated with mental health issues. Participants are encouraged to ask good questions of their team mates and to be open and honest about how they are coping. The use of the SALT Live Quiz enables participants to share confidential information on how they are coping and creates the opportunity for open sharing and support of one another. At the end of this session, the group are given the opportunity to nominate themselves or others to be a part of the Club Wellbeing Team.

Session 5

Club Wellbeing Team (CWT) 

The Club’s CWT is the eyes, ears and heart of well-being and mental health in the club. The CWT is made up of three to six people who are well known, trusted, wise and approachable. They are caring and perceptive. They are happy to approach people and have a conversation to see how people are going. They are motivated to create a club culture where people feel cared for and safe. The CWT members need to be willing to catch up to support each other and exchange information at least once a fortnight. The CWT will receive three online training sessions over six weeks. This program needs to be initiated early in the season to allow time to complete the course.

Session 6

Debrief and evaluation with committee at end of season  

This can be done online. We will run the Club Health Check again and compare results from the start of the season. We will discuss what worked best and what still needs attention. We will look at what courses will work best for next season.

Clubs With Heart Development Process (Senior Club) - Year 2

Session 1

Meet with Committee to listen, explain and agree on outcomes for the program  

This session can be done face to face or online. We discuss what the club has achieved last year and is aiming to achieve over the following year, we plan a schedule of course delivery. This is consolidating the process of getting committee, coaches, staff, sponsors, and players on the same page, when it comes to the club’s values and standards.

Session 2

Clubs with Heart Course – in Club Session 2 

This session builds on the concepts of the Year 1 course but the responsibility for the delivery of this course is shared between the SALT presenter and the leadership team. Leaders will oversee and direct small groups with the players and wider community to strategically share the responsibility of running the club. Leaders will be trained to ask strategic questions matching people’s skills and passions with areas of need. The entire group will develop a strong understanding of the need for shared responsibility and accountability.

Session 3

Respect and Equality Course – in Club Session  

This course tackles the issue of gender equality, racial equality, sexual equality (LQBQTIA+), respect and inclusion. It looks for ways to empower sporting communities to be the examples when it comes to respect, fairness, and equality. We look at how easy it is to develop prejudices, stereotyping and unconscious biases. The idea of sledging your opponent to get an advantage used to be considered acceptable but today we have realised that equality extends across the boundary line. Participants will develop a strong conviction that individuals and clubs have a responsibility to accept and embrace people from all backgrounds. The group will be given tools to use to combat discrimination when they see it and the courage to employ these tools.

Session 4

Drugs and Alcohol Course – in Club Session  

Traditionally many sporting clubs have relied on alcohol sales to create revenue and have sometimes promoted heavy drinking. This course explores the dangers of heavy alcohol use and drug abuse. It asks, ‘What kind of club do you want to be?’ ‘What kind of influence do you want to have on the kids coming up?’ ‘What reputation do you want in the community?’ ‘Where do drugs and alcohol fit into all this?’ ‘How can we create an environment that supports anyone dealing with a drug or alcohol issue while keeping the club, healthy and drug free?’

Session 5

Access to Clubs with Heart Locker Room 

SALT have gathered a wide range of articles / policies and documents from academic sources, newspapers, sporting publications, but most importantly local clubs who are proactively setting the standard for other clubs. SALT member clubs have unlimited access to these resources. Topics cover strategy, club structures, respect and equality, leadership, mental health resources, effective marketing and more.

Session 6

Crisis response (if required)  

SALT has significant experience in helping clubs deal with crises. SALT was formed because the founder attended and supported 7 clubs in 18 months after the clubs had experienced significant crises. We hope you will never need this service but it is available if required.

Session 7

Debrief and evaluation with committee at end of season

This can be done online. We will run the Club Health Check again and compare results from the start of the season. We will discuss the best course of action for the club post the completion of the membership.

Purchase Webinar Series

Become a Club with Heart over the course of 8 Webinars, where key people in your club will learn a new blueprint for the future of your club. 

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Register your interest to become a Club With Heart, or request more information.